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Map showing Saudi Arabia and Turkey with pins

On Location: ESG Engagement in Turkey and Saudi Arabia

Our Stewardship Team shares insights from a recent company engagement trip. Learn about the ESG-related progress being made by companies in Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

The SEC’s New Rules on Climate

This episode of ESG in Conversation dives into the SEC’s new climate disclosure rules and what they mean for companies and investors.

Landmark Rules Ask Companies to Grapple With Climate Risk Very Publicly

Ron Bundy hosts an interview with Gabriel Presler, Global Head of Enterprise Sustainability at Morningstar and Aron Szapiro, Morningstar’s Head of Retirement Studies and Public Policy, to discuss what the new SEC rule and other climate regulations mean.

Six Best Practices for the Low Carbon Transition | Morningstar Sustainalytics

Six Best Practices Followed by Industries Leading the Low Carbon Transition

In this article, we take a closer look at the leading industries under the Morningstar Sustainalytics Low Carbon Transition Rating (LCTR) and examine the best practices that have allowed them to emerge as leaders in managing their climate risk.

Beyond 1.5 LCTR Managing Climate Risk | Morningstar Sustainalytics

Beyond 1.5 Degrees: What the LCTR Tells Us About Companies Managing Their Climate Risk

The LCTR rating of over 8,000 companies shows that global temperatures will rise 3.1 degrees Celsius over pre-industrial averages. This article looks at the overall performance of these companies and the industries that are leading on climate.

Gloved hand holding clump of oil sand

Lines in the Sand: How Canada’s Oil Sands Companies Can Pave Their Way to Net Zero

Post-COP 28 countries have agreed to an orderly transition away from fossil fuels. This article explores what that could look like for Canada’s oil and gas producers.

Climate Disclosure Ruling | Morningstar Sustainalytics

The SEC’s Climate Disclosure Rule: A Step in the Right Direction

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently published the final version of its long-awaited Climate Disclosure Rule. The final rule differs significantly from its original draft and further departs from other standards about to be implemented around the globe.

ESG in Conversation: Asset Owners Share Their Views on the Changing Investment Landscape

Tune in to learn about asset owners’ views on ESG investing, discover what major food companies can do to reduce their rising emissions, and find out whether companies are ready for CSRD.

Climate Transition Risk: 6 Investor Questions Answered

This video interview provides insight into the challenges institutional investors face as they struggle to comply with the growing slate of climate-related reporting frameworks and standards, while trying to identify, manage and mitigate climate transition risks in their portfolios.

Hamburger, fries and dipping sauces on a red background

Big Food’s Broken Promises: The Data Behind the Food Industry’s Rising Emissions

Using Low Carbon Transition Ratings data, we look at six major food companies and identify where they need to go beyond targets to meet their stated net-zero goals.

Aerial photo of clear cutting in Amazon rainforest

Constructing Zero Deforestation Portfolios to Combat Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss

The world’s forests are under threat, putting ecosystem services and global economic wealth in danger. But investors can help to fight deforestation. In this article, learn the reasons why investors should pursue zero deforestation portfolios.

ESG in Conversation: Combatting Greenwashing in Financial Markets

We’re talking all about greenwashing this episode. What is it? How can asset managers spot it? And what can they do to steer clear in their portfolios and investment products?


The State of ESG Risk Across Industries: Three Key Takeaways From Our Annual Industry Reports

Morningstar Sustainalytics’ Annual ESG Risk Ratings Industry Reports are now available. Discover the cross-industry insights that emerge from this year’s reports and the research behind them.

ESG in Conversation: ISSB Sets New Standards for Sustainability Reporting

In this episode, learn about the upcoming greenhouse gas reporting requirements for North American companies, EU's Fit for 55 package and the implication for companies in the region, and what the newly published ISSB standards mean for companies and investors.

Two large yellow dump trucks transporting minerals at a lithium open mine.

The Raw Materials Crunch: Industry Risks Due to Physical Scarcity, Supply Concentration and Intense Demand

As demand for critical raw materials increases, due in part to the low-carbon transition, industries reliant on those materials face growing risks. In this article, discover what’s driving those risks.

It’s Not Just Wildfires and Hurricanes: Extreme Heat Is a Silent Killer for Companies

Extreme heat could account for 65% of North America’s productivity losses by 2030, Sustainalytics says.


Mandatory Scope 3 Emissions Reporting in the U.S. and Canada: Most Companies Are Unprepared

Learn just how prepared U.S. and Canadian companies are for the proposed scope 3 emissions disclosure rules and how investors can leverage engagement to help companies meet the various challenges of GHG emissions reporting.

Policy Responses to Climate Change: The EU’s Fit for 55 Package and Its Implications for Companies and Investors

Governments need to be more decisive to slow global temperature rise. The EU’s Fit for 55 package, with its ambitious targets for energy-intensive sectors, is an example of the required policy response needed to decarbonize global economies.

Downed power line and utility pole after storm

An Analysis of Financial Losses and the Near-Term Physical Risks of Climate Change

Using data from our Physical Climate Risk Metrics, we discover which sectors are most vulnerable to physical climate risks and the regions contributing the most to those risks.

Seattle skyline in a smoky, orange haze

Where There’s Smoke: Wildfires and the Impact of Non-GHG Emissions

Non-GHG emissions will increase as the physical impacts of climate change continue to materialize. Our analysis shows that companies could be doing more to eliminate hazardous non-GHG air emissions from their operations.