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Map showing Saudi Arabia and Turkey with pins

On Location: ESG Engagement in Turkey and Saudi Arabia

Our Stewardship Team shares insights from a recent company engagement trip. Learn about the ESG-related progress being made by companies in Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

Correlation of Business Ethics and Corporate Culture - 5 Lessons from the Banking Industry

To protect a company’s reputation and economic position, its employees play an essential part in organisational risk mitigation strategy by demonstrating consideration for systemic business risk, taking accountability, and being willing to escalate concerns. Companies with a strong, ethical corporate culture have much to gain—improved employee performance, morale, and retention, and in the long run, bolstering the bottom line.


A Sustainable Finance Insider’s Perspective at the ICMA Annual Conference

Insights from the ICMA's 54th Annual General Meeting and Conference held in June 2022, in Vienna, with 900 delegates from 40 countries.

diverse patients waiting

Addressing ESG Risk in a Shifting Landscape for Clinical Trial Diversity

Low diversity in clinical trials increases the risk of unforeseen side effects, only discovered after the drug hits the market, exposing patients to harm and companies to litigation.

Key Themes Shaping Proxy Voting in 2022

Key Themes Shaping Proxy Voting in 2022

As the volume and breadth of ESG risk exposure continue to rise, the stage is set for another momentous proxy season. The trending topics of last year will continue to steer the agenda—with the prospect of even more substantial support from shareholders in 2022.

gender diversity japan international womens day

Gender Diversity of Corporate Leadership in Japan

Over the past decade, the world has made progress in reducing the gender gap in education, health, economic resources and political participation. Some countries, however, are still lagging—including Japan.

Investing in racial diversity

ESG Spotlight Report - Investing in racial diversity: North American equities

Access Sustainalytics' second ESG Spotlight Series report on race and ethnic diversity this year. Building on insights from the previous ESG Spotlight, the next series installment focuses on bridging the demographic data gap by compiling corporate disclosures of employee composition. Our research shows that companies with more diverse upper management tended to deliver greater financial returns than those with less diverse upper management over the last five years.

Race, Ethnicity and Public Equity

ESG Spotlight Report - Race, Ethnicity and Public Equity: A Global Snapshot

Sustainalytics has published a new ESG Spotlight Series report, Race, Ethnicity and Public Equity: A Global Snapshot, which presents an analysis of racial and ethnic issues linked to listed companies’ operations, supply chains and the societal impacts of their business activities. Our research finds that although a growing number of firms are disclosing diversity and anti-discrimination initiatives, management gaps persist and related controversies are on the rise.

Personal Products and the New Ethics of Product Naming

Over recent years, personal product (PP) companies have faced an increasing demand for more inclusive product governance – from formulations to labels – and marketing that reflects the diversity of consumers. To grow sustainably within their communities and stay relevant for their target customers, such companies need to create value for society proactively. Some of the major players in this industry have already started paving the way for others.

Women's day blog

Is the COVID-19 Pandemic Threatening Progress on Gender Equity?

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted lives and livelihoods on an unprecedented scale. Despite massive government spending, the pandemic resulted in the global economy shrinking by 3.5% in 2020.[i] However, the financial burden of this pandemic has not been borne evenly.

Sexual harassment – an emerging risk

This blog originally appeared on GES International’s website and has been republished following Sustainaltyics’ acquisition of the company on 9 January 2019. See the press release for more information.

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ESG Spotlight | The rise of gender equity: momentum building in key markets

A recent wave of popular movements has drawn unprecedented attention to the longstanding issue of gender equity. In cities around the world, women have marched to demand political and economic equality, while the #MeToo movement has amplified calls for an end to discrimination and harassment.

Wall Street Banks Face Mounting Shareholder Pressure to Address Gender Pay Gap

Gender diversity and equality are increasingly coming under the spotlight on Wall Street (see also The Fearless Girl Beckons). The 2017 proxy season was no different. Activist investors, such as Arjuna Capital and Pax World Management, actively targeted Wall Street banks, encouraging them to tackle the gender pay gap.

The Fearless Girl Beckons: Tracking Gender Diversity

The Fearless Girl stands in front of the Charging Bull, her hands on her waist, her stare strong and defiant. She challenges Wall Street’s bull, which has long symbolized strength and prosperity in a male-dominated corporate culture. She also is a poignant representation of the growing demand for greater gender diversity.

Household & Personal Products: Between Perception & Reality

This report looks at the Household & Personal Products sector, providing a in-depth analysis of the most material ESG issues it faces. The report leverages our ESG Ratings and Research combined with our Controversies Research to identify best practices, historical trends as well as the leaders and laggards in the sector.